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Culture and Arts Night extremely successful at Stellar

  • Empower
  • Engage
Culture and Arts Night extremely successful at Stellar

Imagine an event that combines a gallery of student artwork (grades K-5), a Japanese Tabata workout, a Desi Caliente dance performance, student heritage dolls, staff “I am” poems, and so much more! This vision became a reality on Thursday, November 21st at Stellar Elementary. Stellar welcomed families and community members to their Culture and Arts night featuring the various families and staff members who make up our incredible school community. Families were able to see Aztec Dancers perform, and join in on these dances. Additionally, families learned the unique Russian folk Dance “Sasha” from their child, and our entire school community was able to dance together in a fun and joyful celebration . Stellar’s Student Bollywood Dance Club featured 20 students in grades 1-5, who dazzled our community with their choreographed performance. Mile High Karate provided our community with various karate demonstrations throughout the night.

The highlight of the evening featured families from across our Stellar community presenting their own stories of their heritage and traditions through various booths that showcased items from a range of backgrounds such as: Hmong, Ukrainian, Polish, German, Scottish, Croatian, Israeli, Iranian, Mexican, Special Needs, Caribbean and African American. Families were able to taste native foods, see native textiles and artifacts, and speak with each other about their cultural heritage. This night elevated our school community by focusing on diverse, outside the classroom, and social emotional learning. This magical evening upheld our school vision “Individually Unique, Together Complete, You Belong Here.”

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Safe Schools. Sharing stories about how the district supports student learning by providing a safe and secure environment.

Special thanks to the Stellar Elementary community for submitting this Five Star Story.

  • Stellar Elementary